Monday, November 3, 2014

Creativity and 21st Century Learners

This TED presentation by Sir Ken Robinson really hit home for me. Being the proud father of my one year old daughter who is about to enter the Australian education system has made me concerned that the current system may not be geared to prepare my daughter for a ever changing future..

Ken appears to be asking for a revolution of the current systems and a refocusing of attention towards a child's creativity. I do agree that a child's creativity needs to encouraged but I worry what the end result of that will be if the work force can not support an oversupply of creative people. In saying this I can not predict the future and perhaps the demand for creative people will increase with the change in the way they society functions.

Ken's comment that people are inhibited by the fear of being wrong and if your are not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original was interesting. I believe this to be very true and again relating this back to my language learning experiences, if I am not prepared to have a go at speaking the language (without the fear of being wrong) I know I will never get anywhere.

Ken also mentions the intelligence is know for three things. It is diverse, dynamic and distinct, as educators it is our job to focus on these factors and use ICT to personalize learning in the three areas.

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