Friday, November 7, 2014

Assessment task 1 - Analysis of digital technologies - De Bono's Hats

The de Bono's Hats activity is a modeled designed to engage the students into thinking in more complex ways by using the explicit scaffolding of the various hats that target the particular areas of the topic "What do you think about mobile phones in the classroom?' The activity is performed through a collaborative online wiki and each contributor has colour coded responses that identify who they are. 

Through my own personal experience of understanding the learning theory and analysis of the wiki activity the main core principal of learning theory that is being used in the task is social constructivism. The main scaffolding of the learning process are the modeled hats that are guiding responses to each question and followed by scaffolding by other students responses. 

Reading other student responses also forced me to think outside of the box and write  answers that no one else had mentioned,  in doing this I hope I influenced other students to do the same strengthening the social constuctivism aspects of the task. In turn this leads to unique learning outcomes because each persons answer becomes scaffolded by others. 

I would also say that cognitivism is also playing a role in the wiki learning process because I can see other students responses , therefore gauge if my responses are accurate. This in turn takes away the fear of being wrong and allowing my brain to process the information and allow the  the learning outcomes of the information entering the reflective brain. 

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