Friday, December 12, 2014

Reflective Synopsis

What is E-learning?
E-learning is the process of delivering education medium through the use of information and communication technologies. The process is usually delivered over the internet to computers or mobile devices ( 2014). Digital pedagogy uses all the mediums supplied by E-learning and information and communications technology to craft the process learning into an immersive experience by allowing students to: 
Access information on demand.
Learn anywhere.
Collaborate and learn globally.
Personalise their learning experience.
E-learning uses such frameworks such as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge or TPACK for short which to aims to find the sweet spot of where each of these mediums merge to create integral learning design through the use of digital media. 

Why is it important? 
E-learning is important because it helps develops ICT skills that students need in this ever increasing digital age and because it can be used to enhance the student learning experience. E-learning is a very powerful media tool that allows for an immersive and enhanced education experience. Using the SAMR model we can infuse technology into teaching and learning and show its importance by: 
Substitution- The technology acts as a substitution to a real life activities with not fictional change.
Augmentation- The technology acts as a substitution to a real life activities with fictional improvement.
Modification- Technology allows for significant task redesign. 
Redefinition- The technology allows for task previously inconceivable. 
Digital pedagogy and E-learning transforms learning by allowing students to develop a thorough deep understanding of topics. E-learning allows for a personalised learning experience through the creative and reflective process delivered by ICT. 

How do you know this?
This is become evident because of the rich array of technologies that have been reviewed in each week’s blog posts where SAMR model has been applied to evaluate the E-learning potential. Each weekly task has uncovered a rich array of creative and reflective learning experiences that could only be achieved through the E-learning process.

What is the source of your opinion?
This opinion has been formed by performing each of weekly task and experiencing what each has to offer the E-learning process. These tasks have allowed for customized solutions to produce productive pedagogy with positive learning outcomes. These weekly tasks have allowed for complex learning outcomes such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation as highlighted in Bloom’s Taxonomy that achieved in an engaging, proactive and enjoyable experience for the learning. Prior to E-learning such complex learning outcomes would have been difficult for the learner and teacher to achieve in such a short time. For example the Bono’s Hats activity achieved analysis, synthesis and evaluation through a well scaffold array of questions along with a user friendly wiki. Without these E-learning tools the task would have been a lot more complex and not as engaging for the learner. 

Synopsis Introduction 
In the following synopsis I will write about the wiki activities, I will also include an analysis and any recommendations for each of the weekly blog activities. I will include a discussion on legal, safe and ethical practice with this tool towards perspective learners.  

Bono’s Hats activity
The main aim of the wiki activities was to engage the participants in social constructivism. In the case of the Bono’s Hats activity, structured scaffolding was given in the form of the categorized hat questions. These questions forced participants to think in depth each question and collaborate socially with their answers by using the online wiki. The beauty of this activity is how it links into the big picture of E-learning with its compatibility with the online wiki. The wiki really gets the thought process going by allowing everyone to see each other’s ideas. To keep this process safe and ethical, guidelines need to be put in place to prevent any cyber bullying. Also it is recommended that any materials added to the wiki would need to be referenced if they did not belong to the original wiki contributor.  

Web 2.0 Websites
Web 2.0’s functions allow for dynamic user interaction. Web 2.0 websites are no longer static and allow for a two way interaction of data with the user and the website. This attribute has transformed the E-learning experience into a rich and immersive environment for the student to flourish. Web 2.0 also takes advantage of social constructivism with the addition of social media into the E-learning mix. Web 2.0 encourages cognitive constructivism where students are intrinsically motivated to learn by adding onto their existing ICT skills. For example the memrise site students are self-motivated to learn by seeing in real time their learning process in real time by the number of words they have mastered. 

Digital Tools Digital Video & Images
The task Digital Tools Digital Video & Images task of creating a photo-story helps students to learn via cognitive constructivism and social constructivism. Students learn through discovery and experience by using their own digital video & images in prezi presentations. They are motivated to learn because they are part of the creative process of creating video and images. Because the process is personalized to them they feel a sense of ownership that keeps them engaged in the learning process. 

Prezi - a zooming presentation tool
Prezi can support learning through cognitive constructivism, students can discover and experience learning material through Prezi via the interactive elements that Prezi offers. Asking students to interact with the presentation individually by getting them to control the mouse or computer that is driving the presentation supports assimilation and accommodation. It is recommended that students are encouraged to only use their own images and video in presentations to avoid plagiarism but at the same time care must be taken not to disclose private information to the general public.

Mobile Learning with QR codes
Using the exercises in the mobile learning with QR codes students are pushed beyond what they already know and into a zone of development by using the QR codes as a means of discovery and experience. The QR codes provide a unique information catalysis that motivates students to discover the information that the QR code hold. Student are intrinsically motivated to set their own learning goals through the process of scanning the QR codes with their mobile devices. One important factor to keep in mind with the mobile learning processes safe is correct posturer. Students should be encouraged to maintain correct posturer when operating their mobile devices to prevent any future muscular or joint problems that are caused from being hunched over their devices. 

Through undertaking the tasks above it is clear that E-learning is a very powerful learning tool that will defiantly enhance any future teaching. The lessons learnt are that E-learning should be used as a way to improve teaching using strategies enhanced by technology (Waterhouse (2003)). With digital pedagogies we can deliver learning through ways not possible without ICT and we can achieve learning outcomes with students that are integrated into the learning process with personalized technologies that keep students self-motivated.  

5 Ways Web 2.0 Can Make You a Better E-Learning Designer - The Rapid eLearning Blog. 2014. 5 Ways Web 2.0 Can Make You a Better E-Learning Designer - The Rapid eLearning Blog. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2014].

Waterhouse, S. (2003). The power of elearning the past, the present, and the future.
Retrieved June 15, 2006, from

What is eLearning? | 2014. What is eLearning? | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2014].

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mobile Learning with QR codes

Quick Response codes or QR codes for short are a two dimensional bar-code that can hold small amounts of data in a visual code format (Lyne 2009). QR codes need to be decoded with QR enabled bar-code scanners or with camera enabled mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets. The mount of data that a QR code can contain is relative to the size of the code itself so care must be taken not to overload the data that it stores. QR codes work well storing website urls, alphanumerical data or small words or sentences, the codes that also link to online urls that can contain video or sound. One of the big advantages of QR codes over traditional bar-codes is they can be read directly from a computer screen as well as from a printed format.

 Some of the learning outcomes that QR codes can provide are:
  • Providing a 'learn more' QR code link at the bottom of a printed article that students can scan with their mobile device and be taken to a website with extra information on a topic.
  • Providing small amounts of extra information on posters throughout the classroom that students can scan. For example a QR code could translate the names of animals into other languages.
  • Creating a QR code treasure hunt where students collect data around the classroom by scanning various QR codes then piecing all the information together to solve a problem (O'Connor 2012).
  • Allow student to learn more about calendar events by attaching QR codes to particular dates
Using the SAMR model examples of how this technology might be used in your classroom are.

Substitution- This could be scanning a url within a website instead of clicking a url with a mouse.
Augmentation- The QR code can instantly take a student to a url by them scanning a QR code on a poster with there smart phone instead of having to type out a long url.
Modification- The treasure hunt example given above where students have to find information using QR and team together to solve a problem.
Redefinition- Using QR codes on posters to link to Google map locations so students can instantly know where a picture was taken.

This QR code above (generated at links to CQU university on Google maps. 

Greg O'Connor , (February 17, 2012),, 06/12/2014

Marc Lyne, (October 15, 2009 at 2:07 pm),, 06/12/2014,, 06/12/2014